Agricultural Marketing isn’t new. One can research dozens upon dozens of magazine ads from the 18th century to present day. That which is farmed, still holds dominion over our lives.
Cut to the present day and our crop friends can’t compete with iPhones and other gadgets. Why is that? Well, the answer is simple. Crops don’t have a marketing budget.
When you move product, it helps to have a consumer base that understands and wants it. Plus, it doesn’t hurt to have a little money to throw around in the name of Public Relations. The agricultural field is working to grow its consumer base and marketing to a larger demographic is the way to accomplish this growth.

Teenagers aren’t squealing over this year’s corn prices. They want ripped jeans and iPhones. You might say that teenagers aren’t your core customer base; but these kids today are your potential clients tomorrow. Focusing on only a core customer base does not lend itself to growth in the market.
Agricultural Marketing must work with the Ag stakeholders to create a better industry; an industry that will appeal to many generations to come.
This means acknowledging that it’s time to make a jump. It means that you’re approaching a time where you can stick with dwindling methods or approach new ways to prosper. Innovation is a key to success in any market.
Your customers have been digital for years, now they’re going predominantly mobile. Could you tell me what the mobile version of your site looks like right now? Is there a good chance that a customer might find an error if they went there?
The future is now. Ag has relied on tradition and hard work for many years, but the paradigm has shifted. Tradition and hard work can be combined with a digital marketing strategy to give consumers the best experience possible from beginning to end. While the customer has always been right, they have never been this connected.
Agricultural Marketing addresses this connected consumer base by being the answer before the question is asked. Omnipresence is the future of agricultural digital marketing. If the average person can farm and cultivate the land in a variety of ways, then Ag marketing must be there with them every step of the way.
Rural farmers need to have someone that can advertise and reach them when they are tucked away in a field. What about our friends growing out in Hawaii and Alaska? How do you reach them with mainland deals and products? By the ads served on their phones and related devices.
When you look around at modern youth, it might seem like things have changed too fast. While it might have, these young people are just making the shifts that come with any prosperous era. That youthful zeal to find information out instantly can be coupled with your desire to sell.
Just think of it! If the future is here and it’s based on instantaneous knowledge, then take advantage. Get those kids looking at tractors and combines. If you don’t…somebody else will.